Global Experience Taiwan 2024

Let’s go to Taipei!

We are working with Empower Basketball Academy to bring you 5 days of basketball fun & excitement in the warm & friendly city of Taipei this December. Join us as our age group teams play a series of friendly matches against club/academy teams there and learn from coaches there. We will also be watching a professional league game and do some sightseeing and eat some nice food!

Here’s what you can look forward to:

  • 3 days of training with Taiwanese basketball academy, Empower

  • 3 friendly / training match series

  • 1 live professional league game

  • Sightseeing

  • Night Market, food & more!

Trip Information

Registration Period: 30 September 2024

Registration Page: Click here

Please note that a minimum of 10 campers is required for the trip. If the trip is cancelled due to a shortfall in numbers, the deposit and/or fee paid will be refunded. Once the trip is confirmed, the deposit is non-refundable regardless of reason.

Trip Period: 12 Dec - 16 Dec

Fee: $2840* (camper) | $1700* (per family member)
* Airfare is included in fee above. If you wish to book your own flight, a $800 rebate will be given on the price here.

Hotel accommodation, group airport transfer, meals and group ground transport for essential events are inclusive in the fee above. Any other expenses, such as leisure activities, additional transport, will be borne by participants themselves.

For flights, we will recommend the best available option for you to go together with us as a group. You have the option to meet us there at the airport or hotel.

For those of you who need to apply for a Visa to enter Taiwan, we will issue you with an invitation letter for you to do so. Please request this from us should you need it.

Related News Articles:
Global Experience 2018 mentioned in US online article
SG Basketball Global Experience USA 2018

Photo memories from our trips:
2018 - Click here to view
2023 - Click here to view